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  • EDIÇÃO 2024 | Wine Trade Fair

    2024 Editing Results Veja os resultados e principais números da Wine São Paulo edição de 2024! A feira 6.500 visitantes 4.000 m² de área de evento 120 expositores 280 marcas expostas Motivo da presença dos parcipantes Resultados da pesquisa 45% compra de produtos e serviços 24% ampliação de networking 18% aprendizado e participação no congresso 13% análise de concorrência Resultados dos expositores na feira Pesquisa de satisfação pós evento 90% concluíram negócios pós feira 100% indicam a feira para outras empresas 95% aprovaram o novo espaço do evento 80% fizeram negócios na feira e após 80% acharam a feira ótima 15% acharam a feira regular 5% acharam a feira ruim Depoimento dos expositores Veja o que os expositores dizem sobre a feira Fotos do evento

  • SOBRE NÓS | Wine Trade Fair

    FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais ABOUT US Who we are ​ For 37 years we have developed the main communication business platform for the sectors of oenology and also for motorcycles in Brazil. Pioneers and innovators, we always strive for excellence in the quality of the content and in the shape of our products. We have a responsibility to deliver to our customers, readers and partners products and results executed with ethics, professionalism and respect. ​ Our platforms ​ Pioneers and innovators, we are always in the lead. We are consolidating ourselves as one of the main players in the sector, acting nationally and internationally. Our business platform covers both online and offline environments. We have the expertise to offer our customers and readers the possibility of traveling in a simple and easy way, with results in both environments.

  • CONGRESSO | Wine Trade Fair

    INICIO speakers CICAVI Programação Inscrições FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais CICAVI - International Congress of Cachaça and Wine CICAVI CICAVI is a cultural, social, technical and economic event that takes place in parallel with the SÃO PAULO INTERNATIONAL WINE TRADE FAIR and CACHAÇA TRADE FAIR. Its objective is to disseminate and establish technological, social, agronomic knowledge, production aspects, marketing, distribution and service between the components of the wine and cachaça production chain. The theme of this year's congress will be: Diversity of Liquor and Wine. Two drinks that bring with them a diverse universe that can be seen across different regions, different styles, different production processes. Which result in different aromas and flavors. But all with their own characteristics that should to be respected, publicized and, above all, treated equally. That's why we open this space so that we can reflect, study and discuss the subject, putting all the questions on the table and joining forces and reinforcements so that together we can reach a common denominator Our spaces for lectures, workshops and master classes during fairs are open for this moment of reflection and discussion. ​ Schedule SPEAKERS Marcelo D'Arienzo Marcelo D'Arienzo é formado em Administração de Empresas pela FAAP e acumula mais de 17 anos de experiência no mercado. Antes de assumir como CEO da Wine, em 2019, era sócio-diretor da Península Participações na área de investimentos diretos, onde realizou investimentos em empresas digitais, varejo e consumo, e figurou como conselheiro em empresas. Trabalhou 7 anos em consultoria estratégica no Monitor Group onde liderou mais de 35 projetos e transações nas áreas de bens de consumo, varejo e infraestrutura, em várias regiões (EUA, Europa, África). Também trabalhou por 5 anos em diferentes serviços profissionais (imobiliário, tecnologia e bancário). O empresário cursou programas executivos na Harvard Business School, Stanford University e na FGV, além de ser ex-aluno do Fórum Bucerius sobre Governança Global. Mais informações em Prof Celso dos Santos Silva Pós-Doutorado e Ph. D nos USA em Educacão e Administração, Diretor de Capacitação e Novos Negócios pela Federação dê Hotéis, Restaurante s e Bares do Estado de SP , Vice-Presidente Interino da Associação de Restauradores Gastronômicos das Américas e do Mundo - Aregala Paulo Sartolla Com formação em gastronomia e pós em vigilância sanitária dos alimentos, atua como gestor de restaurante e bares especializado em atendimento de serviços de A&B. Tem mais de 20 anos de experiência em treinamento de garçons e maitres, e é docente de cursos de garçons do BaresSP, escola de formação profissional para bartenders, baristas, garçons e gestores de bares e restaurantes. Ricardo Henriques Formado em engenharia biotecnológica e alimentar com especialização em viticultura e enologia, desde 2010 é diretor técnico da Rio Sol no vale do São Francisco Pablo Diogo Depois de anos de vivência prática como bartender, chefe de bar e gerente de bar. Atua hoje como professor e líder operacional em projetos de abertura e reestruturação de bares e restaurantes, compartilhando sua experiência e aprimorando a qualidade do serviço. Augusto Nascimento Mixologista e sommelier, com mais de 10 anos de experiência no serviço de coquetéis, vinho e cervejas especiais. Formado em Bartending pela ABS-SP e como Beer Sommelier pela Doemens Academy. Seu trabalho hoje é focado em formações, treinamentos e mentorias para bares e restaurantes. Coordena os cursos do BaresSP, escola de formação profissional para bartenders, baristas, garçons e gestores de bares e restaurantes Alexandre Bertin Em breve mais informações Marcos Botton ​Marcos Botton tem Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica pela Unversidade Federal de Pelotas (1990) com Mestrado (1994) e Doutorado (1999) em Ciências Biológicas na Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ). Em 2008 realizou pós-doutorado na Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley nos EUA. Atualmente é pesquisador e Chefe de Transferência de Tecnologia na Embrapa Uva e Vinho onde coordena as atividades de inserção de novos ativos tecnológicos para o setor produtivo. ​ ​ Francisco Dantas Consultor e especialista em treinamentos no setor de gastronômia, está no ramo há mais de 20 anos. Iniciou sua trajetória como commis e cresceu passando por todo o organograma da profissão. Já trabalhou em mais de 10 países diferentes , especializando-se em treinamentos de atendimento. É proprietário da F&J Group, que presta consultorias gerenciais e fomenta a qualificação de toda a linha de frente de bares e restaurantes. Elvis Campello Formado em Hotelaria, pós-graduado em Docência em Gastronomia e em História e Cultura da Gastronomia, além de ter extensão universitária em Jornalismo Gastronômico. Atua há mais de 20 anos em bares e restaurantes pelo Brasil, prestando consultoria e treinando brigadas de serviço de bar e salão. Alex Zemczack Formado em gastronomia pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, trabalhou em bares como MyNY Bar, Isola Bar e foi gestor de bebidas dos grupos IMC e Fábrica de Bares. Embaixador da Cachaça Alzira, hoje ministra cursos pela BaresSP e atua como consultor de bares pela empresa The Cocktail Company. Adriano Farias da Silva Atua em hospitalidade desde 2002, tendo passado por restaurantes como Suntory, Shintori, Le Jazz, Mercado La Barra, e hotéis como Emiliano, Tivoli Monfarej, Renaissance, Four Seasons e, atualmente, Palácio Tangará. Foi campeão brasileiro pela ABB (2006), representante brasileiro no Campeonato Mundial de Bartenders (IBA) em Taiwan (2007), campeão brasileiro de coquetéis à base de cachaça Nega Fulô (2008), campeão do Master of de Craft (2018), e prêmio VIHP Categoria Gestão de Bar (2021). Cesar Griffo Com cursos de destilação na Holanda e produção de vermutes na Espanha, é cofundador da Famiglia Griffo. É também sócio e master distiller na Welcome Brands, primeira empresa premium nacional no segmento de bebidas. Mauro dos Santos Em breve mais informações José Antonio Lallemand Engenheiro químico, engenheiro de processo, gerente industrial e técnico, com grande vivência na parte laboratorial e processos de fermentação. Tem experiência em diferentes tipos e processos de fermentação em várias egiões e países. É gerente técnico LATAM pela divisão de Etanol e Bebidas Destiladas da Lallemand, empresa produtora de leveduras selecionadas e outras soluções para fermentação, para tequila (México) e outras bebidas, como rum, vodka, gin e whisky nas regiões da América Central e do Sul. João Lucas Ismael Graduado em agronomia e administração de empresas pela Unifenas Sócio fundador da Vinícola Bela Vista em São Bento do Sapucaí- SP Fernando brengel Publicitário com 38 anos de mercado, sócio e diretor de criação da Presença Propaganda. Concomitantemente à atuação na agência, foi professor do curso de Propaganda & Marketing da UNIP durante 24 anos. Em 2016 inaugurou o Empório Barilotto, operação de bebidas voltada principalmente à representação comercial de importadores e produtores. ​ Matias El Cantinero Engenheiro amante da coquetelaria e do universo das bebidas. Apaixonado pelas especiarias e botânica, criou sua própria marca de bitters aromáticos, o Enraízes Bitter. Bruno Videira Formado em gastronomia pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, trabalhou em bares como MyNY Bar, Isola Bar e foi gestor de bebidas dos grupos IMC e Fábrica de Bares. Embaixador da Cachaça Alzira, hoje ministra cursos pela Bares SP e atua como consultor de bares pela empresa The Cocktail Company. Carlos Cabral Em breve mais informações speakers

  • SOBRE | Wine Trade Fair


  • FAIR | Wine Trade Fair

    HOME THE FAIR sponsers WHO EXPOSES? São paulo WHO VISITS? Sem título Informações do negócio THE FAIR SÃO PAULO INTERNATIONAL WINE TRADE FAIR March 25 to 27/2024 Time: 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm "Opening new opportunities for you business is our business" ​ In its eighth edition, the São Paulo International Wine Trade Fair consolidates itself as the main fair for the wine and spirits production chain in Latin America. Meeting point for companies and professionals in the adult beverage sector. It positions itself as a 100% B2B event. If your company buys or sells products related to the wine and/or spirits sector, SPWTF is a mandatory stop. We are focused on creating an environment for achieving results, not just networking or knowledge exchange, but mainly commercial opportunities. Today, time is money. Therefore, we are using our 40 years of experience in organizing the most varied types and formats of events and applying it to achieve success at this fair. Providing our exhibitors and visitors with results in the hours invested. SPWTF grows every year and has been breaking records in terms of visitation, number of exhibitors and especially the number of sales made on site. But without losing focus on sales, let's put on the agenda a subject that we can't help but talk about: DIVERSITY in this sector, not just among people, but mainly in the world of wine and cachaça. Like the different regions, types and styles of wines, such as table, organic and natural, which impact the market and the consumer. There will be round tables, lectures and master classes in spaces dedicated to experiences so that visitors and exhibitors can discuss and review concepts and prejudices. WHO EXPOSES? Who Exhibits Wine producers; Laboratories; Accessories for wine service; Equipment for viticulture in agribusiness; Equipment for winemaking; Equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels; Importers; Sector Entities; Produtores de insumos; Packaging and label manufacturers; Winemaking Schools; Gráficas. Who visits Food and beverage buyers; Distributors; Importers; traders; Investors; ​ Bar and restaurant owners; Researchers; Winemakers; Producers; Sommelier; Owners of small and medium-sized establishments; Entrepreneurs in the Hospitality sector; Sales representatives; Entrepreneurs in the beverage sector; Independent wine professionals; Specialized press; WHO VISITS? About São Paulo São Paulo is the largest metropolis in Latin America, with 22,429,800 inhabitants in 2022 (ArchDaily) in its metropolitan region, one of the ten most populous areas in the world. Its population is greater than that of several countries, such as Chile (17,248,450), the Netherlands (17,100,475) and Portugal (10,487,289), in addition to being more populous than Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay combined. The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo is the largest hub of national wealth. The metropolis centralizes the command of large private capital, concentrating the majority of Brazilian headquarters of the most important industrial, commercial and mainly financial complexes, which control the country's economic activities. The State of São Paulo, with its 38.7 million adults, is the largest wine market in Brazil, accounting for 32.1% of wine consumption in the country and with a per capita consumption of around 3 liters per year ( MindMiners/Wine). In the city of São Paulo, residents drink wine on average 7.1 times a month, the highest frequency in national terms (Ideal Consultoria). In 2021, Brazil reached 14th position in the ranking of the most attractive wine markets in the world, after rising 12 positions, according to the consultancy Wine Intelligence. The growth in consumption in the country is accompanied by an increase in the number of drink lovers. In the last 12 years, the population of regular wine consumers has doubled, from 22 million in 2010 to 44 million in 2022, according to data from Wine Intelligence. And from 2016 to 2021, more than 20.2 million liters were consumed in the country — this value is expected to double by 2026, according to data from Euromonitor International, a market research provider. According to data from Wine Intelligence, 70% of Brazilians say they are open to trying new types and styles of wine. This number is much higher than that of other more mature markets, such as the United States (51%) and England (43%), or even neighbors, such as Colombia (52%). In relation to the consumption of spirits, São Paulo is also an important consumer hub, mainly for products with higher added value, such as aged cachaças, whiskey, gin, vodka, liqueurs and elaborate drinks. The State of SP is also one of the leaders in the production of distillates in the country, both industrial and artisanal. Caipirinha, the most traditional Brazilian drink, originates in the interior of São Paulo, whose inhabitants are affectionately called “caipiras”. ​ São paulo sponsers INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORTERS PARTNERS MEDIA SUPPORTERS

  • VITIVINICULTURA | Wine Trade Fair

    FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais VINICULTURE SECTOR Wine Magazine Revista Impressa - with credibility gained for 20 years, recognized nationally and internationally as the best winemaking and sommeliery magazine in Brazil; Online Magazine - Distributed on major portals such as GoRead, Apple, Google, Amazon and Tim, among others; Digital Magazine – Dinâmica, with weekly and exclusive articles, access Wine Weekend São Paulo Festival ​ ​ Largest wine event in Latin America, receives an average of 36 thousand visitors per year; an event aimed at the end consumer. ​ ​ São Paulo Wine trade fair Largest fair in Brazil for the wine professional, exclusive fair for the B2B sector. Liquor trade fair The only Spirits fair for the professional sector in Brazil aimed exclusively at the B2B sector Wine Magazine TV YouTube channel with over 5,000 subscribers; includes videos with over 200,000 views. Brazilian Wines and Spirits Contest Largest and main adult beverage competition in Brazil; and the only exclusive competition for national products. Recognized by the consumer as a guarantee of quality. Wine Weekend Summer Version of Wine Weekend for the summer period. ​ Social networks Through careful work, we use our social networks to support the promotion of our products and our customers.

  • MOTOCICLETAS | Wine Trade Fair

    FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais Motorcycle industry Moto Premium Magazine Revista Impressa - of credibility, with a very high quality layout and editorial content, stands out from the competition and increases its market share every year; Online magazine - Distributed in the main Internet portals, such as GoRead, Apple, Google, Amazon and Tim, among others. Impacting more than 1 million readers annually .; We are a family owned and operated business. Digital Magazine - Dynamic, with weekly and exclusive articles, with quality and written by the experts you know, visit: Moto Premium TV YouTube channel with about 40 thousand subscribers; includes videos with over 200,000 views. Premium Moto Magazine Event that brings together the main releases of the automakers to be evaluated by our readers. Unique competition, which has been gaining more supporters every year. Scooter Lounge The Scooter Salon - Urban Mobility Expo arises to enhance, expand and promote individual urban mobility in a new and challenging scenario. Social networks Through careful work, we use our social networks to support the promotion of our products and our customers.

  • CONGRESSO | Wine Trade Fair

    INICIO CICAVI Schedule Registrations Speakers FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais CICAVI - International Congress of Cachaça and Wine CICAVI CICAVI is a cultural, social, technical and economic event that takes place in parallel with the SÃO PAULO INTERNATIONAL WINE TRADE FAIR and CACHAÇA TRADE FAIR. Its objective is to disseminate and establish technological, social, agronomic knowledge, production aspects, marketing, distribution and service between the components of the wine and cachaça production chain. The theme of this year's congress will be: Diversity of Liquor and Wine. Two drinks that bring with them a diverse universe that can be seen across different regions, different styles, different production processes. Which result in different aromas and flavors. But all with their own characteristics that should to be respected, publicized and, above all, treated equally. That's why we open this space so that we can reflect, study and discuss the subject, putting all the questions on the table and joining forces and reinforcements so that together we can reach a common denominator Our spaces for lectures, workshops and master classes during fairs are open for this moment of reflection and discussion. ​ Schedule Registrations Palestrantes Eduardo Viotti Specialized journalist, international Wine and Spirits judge, founding partner of Revista Vinho Magazine and the São Paulo Wine Trade Fair and Cachaça Trade Fair Erick Zurita Tourismologist, specialist in Cachaça Technology and master in Agroecology and Rural Development. With more than 20 years of experience in the production segment of cachaças, has contributed for around 15 years to the production of Cachaça Fuzuê, the only organic cachaça from the State of São Paulo. Approximately 10 years ago, he opened a restaurant on the premises of Alambique Fuzuê, receiving visitors at the end of week. Currently, he works at the Tourism Secretariat of the City of Rio Claro (SP), where its work, among other projects, is focused on the development of rural tourism in County. Baudouin Havaux Belgian businessman Baudouin Havaux, 62, is president of Vinopres, the company that organizes the Brussels World Competition, one of the largest and most respected drinks competitions in the world, with around 15,000 wine samples tasted annually. The drinks competitions it organizes include the Spirits Selection, the Brussels Beer Challenge, among many others. He is also a journalist and edits the magazines “DM Vino!” and “Essentielle Vino!”, specializing in wines and adult beverages. Dr. Cauré Portugal Biólogo pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", possui uma sólida trajetória acadêmica. Com formação internacional, concluiu seu Mestrado e Doutorado em Enologia na Universidad de La Rioja, Espanha, com enfoque em microbiologia enológica e biotecnologia. Seu percurso inclui também um Pós-doutorado na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - USP, onde concentrou-se na microbiologia da fermentação de cachaça e biotecnologia. Atualmente, como Diretor Executivo e Científico da Smart Yeast Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, ele desempenha um papel significativo como consultor técnico em destilarias, oferecendo sua experiência em otimização e regularização de processos. Prof Celso dos Santos Silva Post-Doctorate and Ph. D in the USA in Education and Administration, Director of Training and New Business at the Federation of Hotels, Restaurants and Bars of the State of SP, Interim Vice-President of the Association of Gastronomic Restaurateurs of the Americas and the World - Aregala Hélcio Honda Founding Partner of the Honda, Teixeira, Rocha Advogados Office. State Counselor of OAB/SP, management 2022-2024. Graduated in Law from PUC-SP University extension course on “Current Tax Law” - USP Alessandro Colombara Italian naturalized Brazilian, with a background in government institutions of commercial exchange between Italy and Brazil, for eight years he has been managing partner of the importer Realwines ltda, specialized in Italian wines Adeliano Cargnin General Manager of Embrapa Grape and Wine (Bento Gonçalves, RS). Helio Director of Fecovinho, producer specializing in organic wines in the Serra Gaucha region Thiago Gonçalves Specialist in highly complex and complex businesses long cycle, maximizing the Mix of Product & Average Ticket in any business! Ciro Verde Winemaker and owner of the Italian winery "Il Quarto Miglio srl". Passionate about the volcanic wines of Campi Flegrei and the city of Napoli, he has worked diligently for years to enhance the indigenous and ancient vines of the land of Campania.

  • VISITANTE | Wine Trade Fair

    HOME registrations VISITOR TRAVEL TIPS Sem título FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais VISITORS If for you Wines are more than a pleasure, they are business. Register now. Registration is free and guarantees entry to the fair and participation in some lectures, tastings and visits. With advance registration, you don't have to wait in line, and access is easier and faster. If you are a buyer and looking for suppliers with differentiated products, good prices and quality. Visit the fair, participate in the business rounds for free, talk to our sommelier and cachacier and come and do some good business. Make contacts that will help you better develop your project, your establishment, and increase your networking. Registration and participation for industry professionals is free. VISITOR TRAVEL TIPS If you don't live in the city of São Paulo and need quality accommodation. Count on our partner Estancorpp and enjoy special conditions at hotels: - Estanplaza Ibirapuera – Av. Jandira, 501 – Moem - Estanplaza Paulista – Alameda Jaú, 497 – Cerqueira César - Pulso hotel – Henrique Monteiro, 154 - Pinheiros For reservations: Email: Telephone: +55 (11) 3059-3277 Estanplaza Ibirapuera Pulso Hotel Fachada Paulista Estanplaza Ibirapuera 1/3 TRAVEL TIPS Agência de turismo VoeTur Turismo, the official travel agency of the São Paulo International Wine Trade Fair, offers rates and travel and accommodation packages with special conditions for exhibitors and visitors to the fair. ​ VOETUR TOURISM Tel: (11) 2050-1050, option 3 Al. Santos, 415 – 13th floor 01419-913, São Paulo - SP registrations Registrations

  • INÍCIO | Wine Trade Fair

    WINE TRADE FAIR PRESENTIAL View more WINE TRADE FAIR ONLINE 10 to 12 May 2022 more information Live this experience

  • EXPERIENCES | Wine Trade Fair

    FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais EXPERIÊNCIAS We developed a series of experiences within the business fair because we know that companies are made by people, and everyone really needs to have good experiences at work, enjoy! Knowledge Space CICAVI - The biggest congress for the Wine and Cachaça sector takes place in parallel to our fair. Take advantage of your time to visit us and sign up. Through the transfer of knowledge, you will learn about and discover innovations and trends in the sector, from the field to the glass. We cover topics relevant to professions, from agriculture to the marketing link with the final consumer. Pitch e Start-up Space At the online fair, visitors have the possibility of scheduling meetings with our exhibitors in specific business spaces so that they can present their company, products and solutions. A B2B fair is not just for the exhibitor to sell; he also hopes to welcome and open new suppliers. Top Ten Competition The competition, which is already a tradition at the fair, brings together a group of experts and with the expertise we have from more than 25 years of holding the main competitions in Brazil, we deliver the best results at the fair. Buyers can easily place their orders with these suggestions as a starting point. Master Class Various tastings at stands and tasting rooms, some free and others require specific reservations and tickets. Follow on social media and/or at the fair reception. Wine Tourism and Rural Tourism Space Everyone knows that anyone who works in the sector will at one time or another need to get involved with this topic, so it's good to know a little about the topic. So, we are preparing a round table, exhibitions and lots of information.

  • BE AN EXHIBITOR | Wine Trade Fair

    HOME BE AN EXHIBITOR how to participate FORMATS LOGISTIC FAIR Sobre VISITOR SCHEDULE EXHIBITORS BE AN EXHIBITOR Top 10 2023 PRESS EXPERIENCES LOCAL ON Mais BE AN EXHIBITOR Be an exhibitor at the São Paulo International Wine Trade Fair . Our exhibitors are guaranteed to have their investments returned with results of contacts with the main players in the wine buying market. Through serious and professional work, the event organizer promotes commercial meetings that promote greater sales and greater exposure for your brand. BE AN EXHIBITOR FORMATS Your company can rent multiple display formats, booths with basic assembly Premium Assembly Shared Areas Auditoriums A differentiated solution for every need ​ Or even for uniting several companies with the same purpose and renting at competitive prices. ​ FORMATS how to participate HOW TO PARTICIPATE? Do you want to exhibit at the São Paulo Wine Trade Fair 2024? Contact us via WhatsApp or fill in the information and we will get in touch LOGISTIC LOGISTICS If your company needs logistical support for transport and customs clearance, our partner TTI LOG will be able to support you. We can help you with the bureaucratic part of importing products into Brazil. Contact Marcos Krekovski, by cell phone/WhatsApp: +55 11 97477-6735 or by email:

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