
CICAVI - International Congress of Cachaça and Wine
CICAVI is a cultural, social, technical and economic event that takes place in parallel with the SÃO PAULO INTERNATIONAL WINE TRADE FAIR and CACHAÇA TRADE FAIR. Its objective is to disseminate andestablish technological, social, agronomic knowledge, production aspects, marketing, distribution and service between the components of the wine and cachaça production chain.
The theme of this year's congress will be:
Diversity of Liquor and Wine. Two drinks that bring with them a diverse universe that can be seen across different regions, different styles, different production processes. Which result in different aromas and flavors. But all with their own characteristics that shouldto be respected, publicized and, above all, treated equally.
That's why we open this space so that we can reflect, study and discuss the subject, putting all the questions on the table and joining forces and reinforcements so that together we can reach a common denominator
Our spaces for lectures, workshops and master classes during fairs are open for this moment of reflection and discussion.

Eduardo Viotti
Specialized journalist, international Wine and Spirits judge, founding partner of Revista Vinho Magazine and the São Paulo Wine Trade Fair and Cachaça Trade Fair

Erick Zurita
Tourismologist, specialist in Cachaça Technology and master in Agroecology and
Rural Development. With more than 20 years of experience in the production segment
of cachaças, has contributed for around 15 years to the production of Cachaça Fuzuê, the only
organic cachaça from the State of São Paulo. Approximately 10 years ago, he opened a
restaurant on the premises of Alambique Fuzuê, receiving visitors at the end of
week. Currently, he works at the Tourism Secretariat of the City of Rio Claro (SP), where
its work, among other projects, is focused on the development of rural tourism in

Baudouin Havaux
Belgian businessman Baudouin Havaux, 62, is president of Vinopres, the company that organizes the Brussels World Competition, one of the largest and most respected drinks competitions in the world, with around 15,000 wine samples tasted annually. The drinks competitions it organizes include the Spirits Selection, the Brussels Beer Challenge, among many others. He is also a journalist and edits the magazines “DM Vino!” and “Essentielle Vino!”, specializing in wines and adult beverages.

Dr. Cauré Portugal
Biólogo pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", possui uma sólida trajetória acadêmica. Com formação internacional, concluiu seu Mestrado e Doutorado em Enologia na Universidad de La Rioja, Espanha, com enfoque em microbiologia enológica e biotecnologia. Seu percurso inclui também um Pós-doutorado na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - USP, onde concentrou-se na microbiologia da fermentação de cachaça e biotecnologia. Atualmente, como Diretor Executivo e Científico da Smart Yeast Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, ele desempenha um papel significativo como consultor técnico em destilarias, oferecendo sua experiência em otimização e regularização de processos.

Prof Celso dos Santos Silva
Post-Doctorate and Ph. D in the USA in Education and Administration, Director of Training and New Business at the Federation of Hotels, Restaurants and Bars of the State of SP, Interim Vice-President of the Association of Gastronomic Restaurateurs of the Americas and the World - Aregala

Hélcio Honda
Founding Partner of the Honda, Teixeira, Rocha Advogados Office.
State Counselor of OAB/SP, management 2022-2024.
Graduated in Law from PUC-SP
University extension course on “Current Tax Law” - USP

Alessandro Colombara
Italian naturalized Brazilian, with a background in government institutions of commercial exchange between Italy and Brazil, for eight years he has been managing partner of the importer Realwines ltda, specialized in Italian wines

Adeliano Cargnin
General Manager of Embrapa Grape and Wine (Bento Gonçalves, RS).

Director of Fecovinho, producer specializing in organic wines in the Serra Gaucha region

Thiago Gonçalves
Specialist in highly complex and complex businesses
long cycle, maximizing the Mix of
Product & Average Ticket in any business!

Ciro Verde
Winemaker and owner of the Italian winery "Il Quarto Miglio srl". Passionate about the volcanic wines of Campi Flegrei and the city of Napoli, he has worked diligently for years to enhance the indigenous and ancient vines of the land of Campania.